Without a doubt, the United States of America is one of the most popular study locations for international students. Quality education, as well as the existence of cutting-edge technology, a flexible curriculum, and job prospects, are among the characteristics of the US system to which students are exposed while studying in the US

Why Study U.S.A

In USA, students are presented with a diverse range of study options at universities with advanced educational environments. Perhaps this is why degrees from US colleges are so highly valued by employers all around the world. And, given the US's status as the epicentre of research-technology, culture, and new age resources, studying in the US is a dream for many, and we can help you make it a reality.
The United States is well-known for the numerous study alternatives available to students. These courses are numerous and varied, adaptable, and centred on the overall development of the students' knowledge base. In a way, this ensures that students discover the best course for their interests and career ambitions. While US institutions are well-known for their brilliance in standard study options, there is also a diverse range of non-traditional options. Students can get their Master's degree full-time or part-time, through online programmes or through distance learning methods.



Business management courses






Biology & Life Sciences




Media and Mass Communication


Design and other professional courses


Economics & Administration


Engineering & Technology




Biological & Life Sciences


Marketing & Communication


Humanities & Social Sciences


Law & Regulations


Fashion & Designing


Fine Arts & related programs


Natural Sciences


Professional Studies




Tourism & Hospitality


Career oppurtinities

The USA has also been on the forefront in telecoms, medicine, health care and genetics. Study in USA for Indian students includes on campus jobs as well. Students are allowed to work 20 hrs per week during semester (on-campus). On-campus jobs may include teaching assistantship or research assistantship where a student is paid on an average $8 to $10/hour.

Thus, students can approximately earn $ 500-$ 600/month or can get a waiver on their tuition fees. With this, a student who decides to study in USA can also undertake an internship in the related field which may be paid. During vacation, the student is allowed to work for 40 hours per week.

Types of Institutions to study in USA

Public Universities:
These are state-affiliated institutions which are financially supported by public taxes and are usually large in size. Tuitions fees are usually less compared to private institutions. Examples: Ohio State University, University of California, Kansas State University, etc.

Private Institutions:
A private university runs without the control of any government entity. Tuition fees tend to be much higher than at public universities, Examples: Long Island University, New York University, etc.

Technical Institutes:
These are schools specializing primarily in Engineering and Science and are particularly noted for their research and graduate programs. Example: M.I.T. (The Massachusetts Institute of Technology), NYIT (New York Institute of Technology) etc.


Education System

The Ivy League:
Members of the Ivy League are: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, Columbia, and the University of Pennsylvania. All these schools are in the North-eastern part of the USA. Tuition fees at these private schools are among the highest in the country and admission is highly competitive.

Small Liberal Arts Colleges:
These schools focus on undergraduate study of traditional Arts and Sciences disciplines: Humanities, Sciences and Social Sciences. Liberal Arts Colleges are often quite old and are usually private schools. Examples: Amherst College, Marist College, Swarthmore College, Manhattan College, Smith College, Mount Holyoke College, etc.

Community Colleges:
Community College is an educational institution providing higher education and lower-level tertiary education, granting Associates degrees, Certificates, Diplomas. Example: Foothill and Deanza College, College of San Mateo, etc.

Grading System

The grading system followed throughout the United States is on a scale of 0 to 4. To convert the percentage into the GPA, a credential evaluation needs to be done.

Types of Degrees

Associate Degree: It is an academic degree awarded by the Community Colleges, Junior Colleges, and Business Colleges. Usually for two years (60 credits).
Bachelor's Degree: Commonly known as an undergraduate degree in India. The duration of the Bachelor's course is 4 years (120-150 credits). Students who have completed a part of their undergraduate degree and want to study in USA can apply as a transfer student. There are two types of Bachelor’s degree: B.A or B.S(120-150 credits).
Masters' Degree: The duration of Master’s courses may range from a year or two depending on the university and area of specialization (30-48 credits). The binding requisite for Masters is 16 years of education.
Doctorate: Commonly known as a PhD, the duration of the same may range from 3 to 5 years. Students can take admission for a PhD only after the completion of their Master's degree.
Summer Program: These are study programs during the months of summer vacation. They usually last for 6 to 10 weeks depending on the school and the course of study.